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Why work with a Health Coach?

1-on-1 coaching sessions are a powerful way to uncover imbalances in  areas such as nutrition, physical activity, career, finances, relationships and sense of purpose.  Our goal is to work preventatively to avoid ailments through lifestyle shifts. Throughout coaching, clients will be given personalized recommendations that will empower them to restore balance, release limiting beliefs and  make long-lasting behavioral changes.


Where are you located?

I am based out of Miami, Florida but serve clients all over the US. I work with clients in-person at our office located in Brickell and virtually. Depending on the client's schedule, I am happy to work with your specific needs.


Do you do anything besides personal nutrition coaching?

Yes! I love working with private groups,  businesses, organizations to host in-person and virtual events. This can range from “lunch and learn” sessions, grocery store tours, restaurant analyses, pantry makeovers, and cooking demonstrations. I also host private holistic health and wellness retreats. This includes guided meditation and movement, gratitude journaling and mindfulness exercises. For more information, feel feel to inquire here.


Do you just drink juice and eat kale?

Absolutely not! Soul & Spoons is about holistic living, and feeling nourished. My coaching techniques will guide you to eat intuitively and learn about why certain foods provide nutritional value, while others do not. Life is about balance and moderation, so to answer that, no! Health coaches are humans and we eat whatever we want in order to feel their absolute best.


Why work with a Coach during my pregnancy?

"“The journey from bump to beyond is one of the most powerful transitions a woman will make and it can be overwhelming, whether it's her first time as a mom or her fifth." - Raquel Nowak, prenatal wellness expert. Read more from the article here. I will prioritize supporting my clients  throughout the journey so her never feels alone, afraid or anxious through the unknowns.

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