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7 Tips on How to Stay Healthy While Traveling This Summer

It can be challenging to feel "healthy" while traveling, especially if you are away for an extended period of time.

Those of us who are used to home-cooking, daily movement and our routines, being away from home can feel difficult at times.

Here are some of my favorite ways to remain feeling like your best self while traveling this summer:

  1. PACKING HEALTHY SNACKS. I try to always be prepared when traveling and bring snacks with me prior to leaving for my trip. Some of my go-to items include: a ziplock of raw almonds, a washed apple, a bag of Ella's Flats Crackers. Ella's are packed with amazing nuts and seeds that are super high in protein and fiber, keeping you full and have great overall benefits. Another great option are the Sakara Life bar. Why I love this product is because Sakara's ingredients are clean, natural and very low in sugar. Airports can be really tricky to find healthy options so I like to always come with things I love and want to nourish my body with.

  2. BE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR SUPPLEMENTS. Just because they may be bulky and take up a decent amount of space, doesn't mean you should leave them behind. I use an organizer similar to this and bring just enough for the amount of days I am away. Something I will not leave home without are my probiotics from Seed travel set.These are a must as they that keep my system regular while traveling.

  3. POST-TRAVEL: LEGS UP ON THE WALL. After a long journey of either being on a flight or in a car, putting your legs up against the grounds your nervous system and boost your circulation. This pose is super restorative while also promoting lymph flow, improving digesting and increases energy.

  4. CONSISTENT MORNING ROUTINE. Every day I start off by with a morning meditation, following by a cup of hot water with lemon to kickstart my digestive system by cleansing and preventing oxidation as well as journaling. This is super important for my body, mind and soul.

  5. BEAUTY & DETOX DROPS. A recent discovery that I absolutely am loving are the Sakara Life Beauty & Detox Drops. These are perfect to pack for trips and are each less than 3oz. (if traveling with a carry-on). The detox drops benefits are super powerful: helping aid the body rid toxins through the GI tract with an antioxidant-rich blend of chlorophyll. The beauty drops are wonderful for that post-travel swelling that can take place, by using ionic trace minerals that help support collagen and make skin glow.

  6. SUFFICIENT WATER INTAKE. It can be hard to remember to drink water while traveling, so I always try to pack my LARQ filtered water bottle that I can fill up anywhere. With PureVis technology, it eliminates up to 99%* of bio-contaminants such as E. coli from your water and bottle.

  7. MOVEMENT. Be sure to find time to move! It doesn't have to be a 60-minute workout in the hotel gym or a 45-minute cycling class. Try your best to get some steps in through site-seeing, going for a run or job or even fitting in a 15 or 20-minute sculpting workout with the Melissa Wood Health app. Anything counts as long as you feel good doing it! And if it doesn't happen everyday, that is perfectly fine, you're on vacation!

Most important... remember to enjoy your travels and allow yourself to truly indulge. Be sure to be present and try new things. We want to always promote healthy habits while living in balance — both on and off the plate.

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